IRI offers a variety of solutions including:
No other medium – even the ones we offer – has a more proven track record of effectiveness than custom video. The retention rate of information delivered via video tells us that there’s no better way to explain an idea, train on a process, or introduce new employees to their company. IRI’s Digital Solutions Group produces employee communication videos that enhance your relationship with your team members.
Today, the custom video we produce for employees is shorter, punchier, more visually impactful and more conversational than ever. Deliver online, via text, QR code – wherever employees get their information, you’ll be there too.
Plus, with hundreds of pre-produced videos that can be used in training sessions, as stand-alone products or as online “bites” that are easily digestible by key audiences, we can provide cost-effective consistency across teams of trainers who are conducting multiple sessions with hundreds of managers and supervisors.
Union Vulnerability Assessments (UVA)
The UVA identifies key vulnerabilities and risks that could become the target of an organizing campaign. Using a custom-structured discussion guide, we interview executives, managers and supervisors who are selected based on their level of engagement and communication with direct reports and frontline employees.
The interviews center on the seven areas most often the focus of union campaigns:
Communication |
Job security |
Employee voice |
Pay and benefits |
Workload |
HR resources |
Leadership |
The information is aggregated in a comprehensive report that includes union activity indicators, a risk assessment and recommendations for short-term action.
Workplace Assessments
Engaged employees who feel they are treated with dignity and respect, have a voice and are rewarded competitively are more productive, leave organizations less frequently and are less likely to seek third-party representation. Employees who feel their immediate supervisor is well informed, shares information and listens and responds sensitively also seldom seek union representation. But knowing all that goes on within an organization – while managing the day-to-day needs – can be challenging. IRI’s tools enable leadership to make a smart investment in assessing key organizational and employee relations vulnerabilities. IRI is also equipped to also assist leaders with planning, communication and execution to improve identified areas of vulnerability.
Corporate Campaign Vulnerability Assessments (CCVA)
An attack on an organization’s credibility can be costly and damaging, particularly in today’s fast-moving world of social media. IRI’s specialized Corporate Campaign Vulnerability Assessment identifies existing and potential vulnerabilities a union may use in a campaign designed to undermine the organization’s reputation and assesses the organization’s ability to respond effectively.
Your highly effective Assessment will take an in-depth look at specific areas where your organizations could be vulnerable: Finances, Operations, Legal, Communications and Facilities. The proven Corporate Campaign Vulnerability Assessment will provide you with the insight you need to protect your organization.
Custom interactive eLearning tools are a proven strategy for learner retention. IRI’s Digital Solutions Group’s eLearning services range from developing custom interactive eLearning solutions to creating storyboards of proven content for use on your LMS. Our eLearning solutions engage the learner through badges and gamification that include interactive exercises, on-camera talent, animations, “decision tree” scenarios and more to help your learners not only retain vital information but change their behavior in the workplace. All while providing administrators with vital reporting that gauges employee progress in mastering the material.